dessardo, sculptor
dessardo, sculptor
Altas Collectif 2
 (Anderlecht, Belgique
 - 2024
) Waterloo Landscape
 (Waterloo, Belgique
 - 2023
) Cabaner (Seneffe, Belgique - 2022) Sula (Migennes, France - 2021) Plans Anti-Dérive (Bruxelles, Belgium - 2020) Basiluzzo (Béthisy-Saint-Martin, France - 2020) PunkTerhi390 (Korpoo, Finland - 2019) Kazan Maru (Oshima, Japan - 2018) (Project) Garboatage (AARK Korpoo Studio, Finland - 2019) Tasu (Béthisy-Saint-Martin, France - 2017/2018) Escaper (Seneffe, Belgium - 2017) Courage, Fuyons! (Brussels, Belgium - 2016) Éloge de la Fuite (1F Rue des Renards, Brussels, Belgium - 2016) Lento (Korpoo Island, Finland - 2016) Eolo (Béthisy-Saint-Martin, France - 2016) Fuga (Béthisy-Saint-Martin, France - 2016) Onda (Béthisy-Saint-Martin, France - 2016) Loudspeakers (Tsukuba, Japan - 2015) Prosthesis (Abiko, Chiba, Japan - 2014) Copy (Neustadt an der Donau, Germany - 2014) Poulailler (Nannay, France - 2013) Breathing (East Haddam, USA - 2013) Gargouilles (Creysse, France - 2013) Installation (Wattwiller, France - 2013) Local (Brussels, Belgium - 2012) Proto-Gonzo (East Haddam, USA - 2011) Dix Goulottes (Tuilières, France - 2011) Zone (Gartow, Germany - 2011) Junk Trail (Connecticut, USA - 2010) Local People Do (Friesland, The Netherlands - 2010) Wheelbridge (Connecticut, USA - 2009) Waterfall (Connecticut, USA - 2009) Erddach (Lehnin, Germany - 2008) Waterloop (Flevoland, The Netherlands - 2008) Camouflage (Camargue, France - 2008) Stylite (Connecticut, USA - 2007) Exodus (Ludwigshafen, Germany - 2007) Wasserstand (Ingolstadt, Germany - 2007) Wall (Comines, Belgium - 2006) Network (Kongju, Korea - 2006) Belgian Flags (Brussels, Belgium - 2006) Penta & Stone (Busan, Korea - 2004) Mul Gil (Kongju, Korea - 2004) Aqueduc (Gesves, Belgium - 2004) Pän tà (Shanghai, China - 2003) Parasísmicas (Putaendo, Chile - 2003) Cortejo (Putaendo, Chile - 2002) Teapot
 (Céroux-Mousty, Belgium
 - 2024
) Pot
 (Barrigsen, Germany
 - 2023
) Anticiclónica (Las Malaguetas, Dominican Rep. - 2000) Jetable (Wissant, France - 1998)
Junk Trail  (Connecticut, USA - 2010)  50 m, junk material

The Junk Trail is an organization of junk produced by the activity of the I-Park Foundation and its artists.
The Junk Trail occupies the same space as the previous spontaneous junk site. The order of the Junk reveals the complex beauty of detritus. The piece, a work in progress, will be maintained and refined in time, and will include various collaborators. It is a recyclable art system.
This trail is a site-specific integration of all the remains of artistic imagination of the I-Park Foundation.
The Junk Trail is the beginning of a new urbanization in I-Park.
A walk along the Junk Trail allows the artists to enjoy and continuously re-use the material stock.


Evolution of the Market Place of the Junk Trail by Cameron Hockenson:

map map

Junk Trail   (Connecticut, USA - 2010)
50 m, junk material